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Wednesday, January 5, 2011

My Last Post

Dear City Lakes Readers:

You're reading my last post.

Not forever -- just at this particular blog address.

The reason for the lull in posts the last week or so is that I've been busy tweaking and fine-tuning -- with very patient assistance from Web developer Tim Elliott -- the new City Lakes Real Estate Blog.

The new blog, powered by WordPress software, is much more robust, aesthetic, and -- hopefully -- user-friendly.

The one thing that won't change is the content: posts and comments by yours truly.

Revamped blogs don't really have opening nights or formal debuts; they just have re-directs and hypertext links.

So, please follow the link (above), or enter the actual address:

See you there!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Year-End Spike in Activity?

Like most Realtors, I set up what are (or used to be) called "hot sheets" on MLS to track activity in areas of specific interest to my clients.

So, just by clicking "Update," I can see everything that's changed on the market -- across multiple neighborhoods, price ranges, etc. -- since the last time I logged on.

Normally, the waning days of December are quite slow -- which is why a flurry of December 31 MLS changes caught my eye.

Pended Sales? New listings?

Try, "Expireds."

You'd guess that the vast majority of these will likely pop back up as "Active" today or tomorrow.