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Monday, August 10, 2009

Puffing vs. Lying

Subjective vs. Objective

See if you can spot the difference between the following, two groups of statements:

Group 1: "The prettiest house on the block!"; "character-filled"; "one of Southwest Minneapolis' most desirable neighborhoods"

Group 2: "2,650 finished square feet"; "1 1/2 story bungalow"; "4 BR/3BA"

If you can't tell, the first group consists of subjective statements; the latter, objective.

I just previewed a Southwest Minneapolis home that the Realtor billed as 1 1/2 stories.


The "second story" was an unfinished, basically inaccessible attic.

Is my client going to buy it? Probably not, because I'm not going to show it to them.

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