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Sunday, May 2, 2010

Official Time of "Birth": 10:17 p.m. on 4/30/2010

Under the Tax Credit Deadline (Just!)

Communities large and small traditionally attach a lot of fanfare to the first birth of the new year.

So, the proud parents of little Susie or Tommy, who arrived at 12:03 a.m. on New Year's Day, typically rate a mention in the paper or news (and often a free year's supply of diapers from an obliging sponsor!).

Is it too late for Realtors to do that?

My client and I (and his Seller and Realtor) were no doubt beat by at least a couple other deals that cut it closer to the wire.

However, the official "Final Acceptance" on my client's Minnetonka townhome purchase -- marking when all the necessary signatures have been obtained, and the executed documents delivered to the Buyer's agent (me) -- was officially 10:17 p.m on Friday night.

Just in case the IRS comes calling, I subsequently faxed the executed Purchase Agreement to my client, generated a time stamp, and scanned and emailed that to him as well.

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