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Saturday, August 7, 2010

Counting Calories in NY

"$4.30 For a Tiny Slice of Poundcake??"

Even by New York's inflated prices, "430" ($4.30?) for the tiny slice of marble pound cake at Starbucks seemed like a rip(off).

It turns out, that's the number of calories, not the price.

In fact, everywhere you go in New York, there are now two numbers displayed: the price, and the number of calories.

Here's a bet: Minnesota will be doing this sooner rather than later (or does it already, and I've never noticed??).

P.S.: here's a shorthand for whether the kind-of-crazy looking New Yorker, talking to themselves, is really crazy -- or just talking on their (blue tooth-enabled) cell: in the subway, they're definitely crazy. Above ground . . . the odds are that they aren't.

1 comment:

Jenni said...

I first saw this happening at a local Panera.