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Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Sprint vs. Verizon

Great Customer Service -- Not

So, after a month of research ("Smart Phone Overload"), I finally picked a carrier (Sprint) and a model (Samsung Moment, pictured above).

While there were many factors, including the proximity of the Sprint store to my office; varying corporate discounts; competing monthly plans and features, etc., the clincher was my experience with the Verizon sales rep assigned to Edina Realty.

I called at the beginning of last week to ask a few questions, and got the sales rep's voicemail.

At the end of the week, I got a voicemail message in response, which I quickly returned.

And that was it from them. Nada.

Not another voicemail, not an email -- nothing.

If that's how much attention I get as a prospective customer . . . I'm not waiting around to see how well I'll be treated once I've committed!

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