It's always nice to see healthy traffic on this blog; after two-plus years, "City Lakes Real Estate" now has a core group of regular readers, and gets several thousand page hits -- from literally all the world -- each month.
In particular, it's always nice to log on early each day, Central Standard Time, and see overnight traffic from Asia.
And yet . . .
You Read it Here First. Really.
When I see a visitor camp out on this blog for an hour-plus and churn through 77(!) pages -- as happened the other day -- it makes me feel more nervous than flattered.
So, dear Readers, if you see any blog content out there that reminds you of something you read here first -- please let me know about it.
And to anyone who's tempted to fill up their real estate blog with "free" content, a few thoughts: 1) it's not free -- in fact, you're violating my federal copyright; 2) I'm a former attorney, and take copyright infringement very seriously; and 3) you're welcome to it with my blessing; all you have to do is link to it, or, if you're going to excerpt it, cite me.
P.S.: Regular readers will also note the (resumption) of ads on the margins of this blog.
They do not reflect my political or personal tastes or beliefs; the ads are "served" by Google, apparently on the basis of key word sampling ("Detox Clinics," after my Proposition 19 post a few minutes ago), or, based on whomever is paying the most for Twin Cities online ads at the moment (the Dayton campaign the day before the election).
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